
Are you interested in getting married in St John the Baptist Church, Westbourne?

You may be able to apply to be married in a Church of England local church if you are living in the parish, grew up here or have another connection with it. 

On this page you can find out more about qualifying requirements for a wedding at the parish church, adding music to a service, flowers, and wedding receptions in the Parish Hall. There is also information about church weddings in general from the Church of England.

Where do I start?

If you want to ask about a wedding or anniversary service, the Rector, the Revd Andrew Doye, is available to talk with you and he will be delighted to discuss possibilities.  He can be contacted on (01243) 372867 or by email His usual day off is Friday.

Can I get married at Westbourne Church?

To be married at St John the Baptist Church, one of the people getting married will need a connection with the church.  This may be as a parishioner, because you live in the parish or there may be a family connection through your parents or grandparents. If you have had an earlier marriage which ended in divorce please come and talk to us, you may still be able to be married in church.

How we can help

We can offer advice on arrangements for your wedding.  If you are unsure as to the choice of suitable music our Director of Music will be happy to advise you.
The choir may be available – check with the Rector.

A bell ringing team can usually be arranged.

The church flower team can help with flower arrangements.

You can also leave a message on the parish hall office phone line with enquiries about receptions: 01243 375055

Please follow the link for a guide to our wedding fees

Our hall set out for a wedding reception

General information on church weddings

We have pulled together some resources to assist you as you explore getting married in a parish church.

There is a whole section on the Church of England website to help answer many of your questions. Please visit and click on the tab ‘Weddings, Baptisms and funerals”.

Pictured are wedding flowers from a service at Westbourne in 2023.

More resources

Your Church Wedding  – lots of information about Church of England weddings and blessings

Legal aspects of getting married in church

Documents you will need to provide and legal requirements for a church wedding

Planning your ceremony

What are the ‘readings of banns’?

Essential guide to the banns

Do we need a marriage licence?    Information from the Church of England

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